What's the Story?
Your story is what sells. Clarifying your message is a fundamental Perceval skill. Whether your firm is a major institutional asset manager, private equity firm, family office or a single strategy hedge fund, a clear, concise and compelling story is the best way to:
Increase visibility
Leverage existing successes
Encourage loyalty and attract new clients
Everything revolves around the clarity of your edge
We work with you to develop a compelling value statement that will speak to the needs of your clients, to deliver it convincingly and consistently, and to proactively communicate it to your clients and stakeholders.
Delivering a consistent message in a networked world
Once you’ve established your message, whether your concern is your marketing campaign or your public relations issues, it must be delivered consistently; both internally, within your firm, and externally, to your clients and prospects, as well as to the press, third party web sites and the full range of social media.
Listening authentically, the fastest way to connect
In any environment, the ability to listen is an invaluable skill. Authentic listening means hearing in order to understand another’s point of view, allowing them to talk without interrupting, asking questions only to clarify what was said. This kind of listening can be difficult when your brain works fast and you instantly see the connections. But clients need to feel heard. That’s the bottom line.
Finding and leveraging common ground
“Mirroring parallel lives,” is one of the most effective tools for engaging a client or prospect. It means identifying some of the day-to-day things that worry all of us, and talking about them. When you enhance your position as an expert with empathy, you open the door for clients to respond with their own worries — enabling you to connect in terms of their needs.
What gets in your way?
Undeveloped listening skills: When your sole focus is on you and your own agenda, you miss out on valuable cues from your client.
A focus on making your numbers: When you tell your story only from your point of view, you miss an opportunity to show your client that you’re offering a solution to their real-world problem.
An organization that can’t or won’t support a creative approach: When you habitually fall back on what once worked for you, you fail to respond to changing circumstances. Opening minds and facilitating change for our clients is our bedrock expertise. With Perceval, your entire firm is our client.