Communication/Presentation Skills Coaching

The keys to successful selling, negotiating and client management

A clear message, delivered consistently: We help you develop the key differentiating message for the firm overall, as well as for components around the investment process. And then we work with your marketing teams and coach your money managers to ensure consistency across every communication venue: electronic, print and personal presentation.

Selling without selling: It’s not about fund performance, it’s about the credibility of your people. It’s the reason we don’t try to change their personal style, we make it work better. To help your firm motivate their success, we work with you to:

  • Clearly identify how sales people are recruited, incented and compensated

  • Standardize procedures after the initial presentation

  • Improve your firm’s ability to leverage your key people

Authentic listening: We offer intensive listening seminars, utilizing video as well as individual feedback. The program is designed to enable participants to learn how to listen to clients, while helping each other improve their listening skills. 

Eliminating roadblocks: We work with your sales and marketing staff to review prospect types, and develop methods to appeal to their buying traits. We encourage a relationship planning model and book of businessmanagement techniques that include renewing and enhancing:

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  • Lead generation

  • Pipeline management

  • Prospect progression

  • Closing techniques

  • Competitive intelligence

Presentation Coaching: Giving speeches and presenting to groups can intimidate even the most knowledgeable professional. Some of the techniques we use to make presenters more comfortable and effective include:

  • Disciplined preparation — knowing the concerns of your audience ahead of time

  • Practical rehearsals — using video and live audiences

  • Coaching feedback — in real time

  • After-action reviews

Leadership and Communications Coaching: To help senior managers “get out of their own way,” we address their issues on a one-to-one basis. Working with an objective outsider enables candid discussion far more effectively than internal coaching, which may threaten the working relationship with management.

Marketing and Sales Strategy Development

Finding, getting, and keeping your client

The methodical Perceval interview protocol quickly taps into your own hidden or overlooked information. By combining our findings with your company history and style, we help you build an authentic story that clearly differentiates your firm.

By accurately identifying your target markets, we help you position the story to connect to their particular needs and sensibilities.

To create a baseline for an efficient marketing plan, we help you evaluate your global and local relationships and identify the best role for your marketing materials.

Positioning: Differentiating your firm to establish the best method for competing.

Identifying a market position begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your company's vision, personality and culture. Based on your competitive positioning and the special nature of your firm, we work with you to evaluate and choose the most promising distribution channels, and identify the most effective means for raising awareness.

Messaging: Selling confidence in your brand, versus your product.

Firms of any size and maturity can leverage their distinct positioning by wrapping it around all their products and services. We help you to develop your key messages and then work to ensure those messages are delivered clearly, concisely and in the most compelling way in your marketing communications.

Group Facilitation

Enabling the team to make effective decisions

Because important decisions are often made by putting your top people together, the single task of the facilitator is to support the efficiency of the group. We utilize a collaborative process that encourages divergent points of view and cultivates shared responsibility, enabling the group to take advantage of its own talent in order to move to consensus.